It’s Time to Update Your Digital Signage Software and Hardware

Keeping your software current is crucial. It not only patches security flaws but also enhances features, fixes bugs, and boosts overall performance. This applies to all devices and systems, especially digital signage. Yet many clients still use outdated software, missing out on improvements that make their systems easier to use. Delaying updates can complicate the process, requiring intermediate upgrades and risking potential breakdowns that consume more time and effort. 

To avoid this hassle, organizations often update during quieter periods like summer or Christmas when fewer people are around. The best strategy? Regular updates. Some companies have a monthly schedule – like Microsoft’s “Patch Tuesday” – but many don’t. For complex systems like digital signage, it’s wise to develop a plan for keeping both hardware and software up to date with minimal disruption to your operations.

Plan Before Anything Else

Before diving in, check the current and recommended specs for all your hardware and software. You might discover that upgrading to the latest digital signage software requires new media player hardware. Plan each step of your updates carefully. Schedule updates during off-hours or downtime to avoid disrupting peak weekday operations. Create a detailed task list assigning responsibilities and inform everyone about the update schedule well in advance.


Staying updated means benefiting from bug fixes, enhanced security, and new features that keep you ahead of the competition. Falling behind not only hampers efficiency but also risks making your organization less competitive.

Before updating, always back up your data to avoid potential headaches if something goes wrong. This simple step can save you hours of lost work. For larger deployments with 10 or more media players, consider using a test environment first to ensure seamless updates across all systems. Stay sharp and keep everything running flawlessly!

Don’t forget to update other essential software like PowerPoint, Adobe apps, VLC, and any integrated systems like event calendars or data sources. Keeping everything current ensures smooth operation and maximizes performance.

Also, check with your software provider before updating any hardware. They may be using special builds or proprietary code that depends on specific hardware systems. All of the advice below for hardware and OS updates is based on the assumption that the software vendor has given you the go ahead.


First, keep your drivers up to date. While some suggest updating only when issues arise, imagine a glitch during a crucial communication cycle taking down your digital signs. Better safe than sorry! Regular video driver updates are essential for peak performance. Get updates from the chipset or hardware manufacturer’s website. Windows’ generic drivers can work but often just meet the basic requirements.

There are also physical components of your server and media player hardware that should be checked out. Cards, cabling, connectors, and the screens themselves. At the very least, you’ll want to give everything a good cleaning. For example, every media player has a fan that’s been sucking in dust for who-knows-how-long, and interactive screens tend to get smudged pretty quickly.

And since everything you have is powered by computers, you’ll want to make sure your hard drives are in order. If you have a hard disk drive (HDD), defrag it and do a disk cleanup. However, if your computers have solid-state drives (SSD), don’t defrag them – you will actually reduce their life spans.

Computer Operating Systems

Your computer’s OS is its lifeline, essential for every task. Keeping it updated with the latest features, patches, and security fixes is crucial. Firewalls might block automatic updates, so manual intervention may be necessary. If you’ve neglected this for a while, expect a lengthy update process – but it’s vital.

Ignoring updates risks losing functionality, incompatibility with third-party software, non-compliance with HIPAA standards, and more headaches. Plus, new updates often introduce time-saving features. If you’re on an unsupported OS like Windows XP, upgrading isn’t optional – it’s mandatory. Newer software won’t function properly or at all without support and exposes you to serious security threats.

Policies and Workflows

While updating your hardware and software, take a moment to review your IT, system and content policies. Are they still relevant? Can you make them clearer and more concise? Ensure they’ll remain accurate post-update. The same goes for workflows. New features mean new steps. Update everything so anyone can seamlessly manage your digital signage system without disruption.

Update the Look

Now is the perfect time for a content refresh. Revamp your recurring messages with fresh images and layouts. Rearrange your playlist for better flow. Launch long-tail campaigns that tell compelling stories. Use gamification to boost participation and engagement.

If you are using message templates, this is a great time to redesign them or add new ones. Use analytics to see who’s contributing the most content and ask them what templates would make their workflows more efficient.

Does your audience respond better to URLs or QR codes? See which calls to actions are getting the most traction and use them more. If you have messages without a call to action, add them.

New Options and Features

Now is the perfect time to explore new possibilities. Consider switching to a hosted cloud digital signage system or expanding into more locations. Want more targeted communications? Add media players and screens in new locations, or embed message playlists in websites and collaboration platforms for remote employees. Ready for interactivity? Install touchscreens or enhance space management with room signs.

Do new features allow you to show different types of content than before? Can you automate something that was manual? Think about adding content or data subscriptions, too. Curated designs tailored for digital signs can boost your offerings while cutting down on overhead and workloads.

If any new features require training, be sure to set that up immediately. There’s no point letting new features sit idle, and this is a great opportunity to motivate your signage team to get creative.

Keep on Top of Things

Once everything is updated and you’ve explored all the new things you now have access to, maintain a regular update schedule and stick to it. If you’re using a subscription model for your digital signage, whether it be for your content management system, content feeds, or training and support, be sure to renew on time.

How to Update Visix Software

Most companies you deal with have a set series of steps for updating, probably not unlike how Visix does it:

How Do I Know When a New Software Release Is Available?

Visix or read about it in the Visix newsletter. Newer versions of the CMS can now also send you notifications from within the software itself (another reason to upgrade today). 

How Do I Get the New Release?

Clients who have a Software Maintenance and Support Subscription get free software releases, priority support and other perks. And we take care of CMS updates for clients using our cloud subscription service.

If you have questions or run into any issues, you can always email