Event Boards Make Promoting Events Easy

Our workdays are consumed by meetings. While exact numbers vary, even conservative estimates suggest employees spend at least three hours a week in these sessions, with some figures reaching up to eight. Senior staff might attend up to ten different 30-60 minute meetings weekly. Beyond the time spent attending, significant effort goes into organizing and preparing for each one. Since 2020, the frequency of meetings has only increased.

Meetings are just one type of event organizations host annually. These include educational or promotional seminars for visitors and the public, on-site or online training sessions for staff, and conferences with multiple activities happening simultaneously across various locations. Hotels often hold weekly welcome drinks or city tours; municipalities organize festivals, wine tastings, book fairs, and community events; healthcare facilities conduct public awareness sessions during flu season to answer common questions and offer advice.

It’s no surprise that events are the single most common thing to be put on digital signs.

Many years ago, this involved making what was called a “slide” promoting the event – some text about what, where and when, plus maybe an image – and putting it in the play rotation. Once the event was over, that slide had to be deleted from the playlist.

Today, digital signage has evolved into a much more comprehensive communications tool that easily integrates outside data sources. Events are now put into some sort of calendar or reservation system that sits on the web, and that’s where all the details are stored, and where changes and updates are made. Apps like Exchange, Office 365, EMS, Google Calendar, CollegeNET, Amadeus, Ad Astra, AgilQuest or Mazevo; or data sources such as Excel, XML or JSON, can all be used. Whichever one you’re already using can probably interface with your digital signage, so you can set it up once and just let it run.

Effortlessly sync your digital signage software with any calendaring system to auto-generate schedules and event listings from a template. The schedule appears before and during the event, then line items vanish once they’re over. Whether it’s the town Commerce Expo or the daily schedule for a single meeting room, this seamless integration keeps everything running smoothly.

To the Point

Digital signage messages need to be concise since they’re only displayed for a few seconds at a time. You want to name your event something that tells people what it is, without being too long or too short. “Staff meeting” is a bit too vague – all staff, just some staff? “Bi-weekly marketing staff meeting” is maybe a bit too long. “Marketing meeting” tells people seeing the message exactly what the event is and who it’s relevant for.

If the event changes, make it obvious. Instead of just deleting a cancelled meeting from the calendar, make sure people who might show up to the space get the message quickly. Use bold red text like “Marketing Meeting – CANCELLED” to grab attention instantly. Updates appear in real-time as your digital signage CMS pulls data straight from your calendar system, and having some published policies for how to name and update event information can help standardize event schedules for quick recognition.

That’s for a schedule or single message about an event. But you can have multiple messages rotating in your content playlist, so you have the capability to share more information than just the bare minimum.

Share More

Highlight key benchmarks for your events to captivate attendees. Introduce visitors or speakers with their itineraries, bios, and photos so everyone knows who they are. Provide separate messages for registration details and ticket purchases, including deadlines and a QR code for easy access. If the event includes multiple sessions in one day, share a detailed schedule with break times. Add travel info, transportation schedules, dining options, local weather forecasts, and news updates to keep everyone informed and excited about attending.

This all helps generate interest in the event. Your digital signs will be in high-traffic areas, so everyone will see your messages at some point. Save-the-date reminders are effective, as is combining your promotion efforts with social media posts, which can also feed into your digital signage. One great way to generate excitement is to include a countdown to the event. This creates a sense of excitement and urgency.

At the event, you can use screens to improve the attendee experience. Provide a wayfinding map from the entrance to the event location, and include basics like bathrooms and elevators. Welcome attendees, thank them for coming, and advertise any updates to the schedule. Think about what attendees need to know and give it to them.

If several events are coming up, show a full list as an agenda or a calendar. Some locations will have regular events. A university football team will obviously have several games throughout a season. Student clubs meet regularly. The theatre department will probably put on at least one production per semester. The first step in getting people to an event is telling them it’s happening.

Combine Everything into an Event Board

Organizations bustling with activities can streamline these communications through a unified event board. These are digital signs that exclusively display event info, whether on a single display, bank of monitors or video wall. Interactive touchscreens and kiosks can also feature buttons that transform screens into browsable event boards, reverting to their usual functions once done. The point is that the event information comes first and isn’t lost in the clutter of other communications.

Events boards work for any kind of event, no matter how big or small. Just some of the types of events that can be shared and promoted are:

  • Meetings
  • Seminars
  • Classes
  • Workshops
  • Training courses
  • Conferences
  • Art exhibits
  • Team building
  • Club gatherings
  • Networking
  • Concerts, fairs and festivals
  • Product launches
  • Year-end functions
  • Birthday and anniversary celebrations
  • Charity events
  • Tournaments and contests
  • Support groups
  • Trade shows and exhibitions
  • Performances
  • Sporting matches

Pretty much anything that requires people to be at a certain place at a certain time on a certain day can be considered an event.

An event board can display a wealth of relevant information – room capacity, tech and amenities like projectors and video conferencing, catering, dress codes, etc. Last-minute changes? No problem. If more attendees sign up than expected, simply update the calendar to move the event to a larger room. This change instantly appears in your playlist message. With web access, you can even make updates from your phone on-the-go.

Most event boards will include a list of meetings or events, wayfinding from that schedule to each item’s location in the facility, and maybe even a pop-up description for each item giving more details. If you don’t have a touchscreen, you can include a QR code on the screen that people can scan to get the full schedule, maps and more information on their phone.

Public events often feature sponsors, and an event board can double as a donor board to honor those who made it possible. Interactive touchscreens or QR codes offer attendees more information about these contributors with bios and video messages. Local partners might even provide special offers or discounts, which can be highlighted on the event board for added engagement.

On the Day

Upon arrival, visitors need clear directions. Digital signage offers an ideal solution with interactive touchscreens and kiosks. These tools allow individuals to find relevant information at their own pace. With a simple tap on the “map it” button, users can visualize their route instantly. Additionally, they can send directions straight to their phone via text message, ensuring they never lose their way.

Interactive screens can also double as queuing support or check-in stations for attendees. This frees up your staff to offer more personalized service for outlier situations.

If you are using several spaces or rooms in your facility at once, digital room signs mounted right outside each door can be extremely useful. The screen shows that day’s schedule, each event, when it starts and when it finishes. When the room is in use, a built-in availability light can turn from green to red.

Keep everyone safe with proactive health tips throughout the day. On sunny outdoor events, remind attendees to stay hydrated and know where first aid stations are located. While we aim for smooth sailing, accidents can happen. In the event of an emergency, an alert system can instantly take over all screens to display warnings and instructions, ensuring swift action when needed.

After the event, you can show public transportation schedules, taxis numbers and traffic information, so people can leave without problems. This kind of thoughtfulness will be appreciated and lay the foundation for people to form fond memories of what they just experienced.

Creating Memories

Your event board is still valuable even after everything has finished. You can display key highlights, and if you have some high-quality pictures, even better. This reminds people what a fantastic time they had as well as generates excitement for the next time. Even user-generated content can be featured – pictures people took and even short videos of presenters and participants.

Survey attendees to capture their favorite moments and showcase the results on your digital signs. Seeing their own words displayed will thrill them, reinforcing your staff’s hard work and energizing everyone for future events. Boost engagement further by gamifying – create quick quizzes about event highlights and share the answers.

If the event is recurring, you can start reminding people about the next time it happens. The idea is to create a wave of excitement and great memories that will carry over into the future.

Event Boards Extend Your Reach

Digital signage and event boards keep everything current, no matter how many changes occur. They guide attendees to their destinations and provide real-time updates. After the event, they capture stories and memories, building excitement for your next gathering.

Whether it’s a single event, like a meeting, workshop or club meeting, or something far more comprehensive, like a football season or a multi-day conference, digital event boards can help you generate interest and buzz, getting people excited and increasing attendance.